We are excited to share information with you regarding the Sanford Public School Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) programs for the 2025-2026 school year. In September, we expect to continue offering full-day pre-k programming at Carl J. Lamb School, Margaret Chase Smith School, Sanford Pride Elementary School, Sanford-Springvale YMCA and Sanford Regional Technical Center.
Sanford and Springvale families with children 4 years old on or before October 15, 2025 and not of kindergarten age are eligible. Children who are 5 years old by October 15th, 2025 and not enrolled in Sanford’s pre-k program can enroll in kindergarten by calling one of our elementary schools.
The pre-k program is free and will include free breakfast, lunch and transportation. We anticipate 112 Pre-K slots will be available for the 2025-2026 school year. To provide equal opportunity for families to enroll their children, students will be chosen using a lottery system.
Here is the link to the form that you will need to complete in order to be considered for admittance to our Pre-K program: https://rb.gy/hfjwl7. The lottery registration will close at the end of the day on Friday, March 15, 2025.
If you have any questions about how to fill out the form, please contact our central office at 324-2810. Our goal is to make program notifications the week of April 1st. All students that are placed in a district Pre-K program will need to complete registration prior to Pre-K screening. Once all openings have been filled by lottery, the remaining names will be drawn to create a waiting list, should space become available.
If you know of any families who may have an eligible student, please feel free to share this information. If you have any questions, please contact us at the Sanford School Department’s Central Office at 324-2810.

The President has officially proclaimed February as Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month! SRTC kicked off our celebration of CTE month with a "Proud to be CTE" red, white & blue themed day.

Tonight's the Night!!! The Sanford Regional Technical Center is holding its Admissions Open House tonight from 6pm to 7:30pm. Come see what everyone is talking about! We are located at 100 Alumni Boulevard in Sanford. #MaineCTE #SRTC #CTE

There's only one week left to nominate a teacher for the 2025 York County Teacher of the Year and 2026 Teacher of the Year! Members of the public are encouraged to nominate educators who demonstrate exemplary skills that inspire students and colleagues, and who help focus attention on the importance of public schools among everyone in the Sanford community. Nominations can be made through a form on the Maine Teacher of the Year Website from now until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31st, 2025. Here is the link to the form: https://educatemaine.wufoo.com/forms/r1j4ry7j09it0gv/
They are accepted by students, parents, caregivers, community members, school administrators, colleagues, college faculty members, and associations/organizations. Recognize an educator today who has continued to inspire, educate and care for their students!

Mark your calendars - One week from today SRTC is hosting an Admissions Open House for those interested in applying to the 2025-2026 school year! This is a great opportunity for prospective students to bring their families in and learn more about what our school has to offer and check out all of the program opportunities.

Nominations are now open for the 2025 York County Teacher of the Year and 2026 Teacher of the Year.
Members of the public are encouraged to nominate educators who demonstrate exemplary skills that inspire students and colleagues, and who help focus attention on the importance of public schools among everyone in the Sanford community.
Nominations can be made through a form on the Maine Teacher of the Year Website from now until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31st, 2025. Here is the link to the form:
They are accepted by students, parents, caregivers, community members, school administrators, colleagues, college faculty members, and associations/organizations. Recognize an educator today who has continued to inspire, educate and care for their students!

We would like to congratulate our very own Deanna Watson (Massabesic) on winning the State-wide competition to "Brand" the Maine SkillsUSA Leadership Conference this March in Bangor. Her winning designs can be seen in the graphic. The contest description is here:
SkillsUSA Maine serves students in CTE programs in Maine by developing the
personal, workplace, and technical skills grounded in academics that are needed for
career success within the skilled trades. Each year, student members are invited to
create a cohesive design package that reflects the theme, the state, and the organization. The winning design is selected by the board of directors. Designs are used for conference t-shirts and pins, for production during opening and closing sessions, and to represent the state association at local and state events during the year.
Congratulations Deanna!! #SRTCPride #SRTC #MaineCTE

Nominations are now open for the 2025 York County Teacher of the Year and 2026 Teacher of the Year.
Members of the public are encouraged to nominate educators who demonstrate exemplary skills that inspire students and colleagues, and who help focus attention on the importance of public schools among everyone in the Sanford community.
Nominations can be made through a form on the Maine Teacher of the Year Website from now until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31st, 2025. Here is the link to the form: https://educatemaine.wufoo.com/forms/r1j4ry7j09it0gv/
They are accepted by students, parents, caregivers, community members, school administrators, colleagues, college faculty members, and associations/organizations.
Recognize an educator today who has continued to inspire, educate and care for their students!

📚 💰 Need help with your student's FAFSA application? Join us for FAFSA Help Night!
The Finance Authority of Maine will be at Sanford High School's SRTC Career Planning Center on Wednesday, January 15th from 6:00-7:30 PM to help families complete their Federal Application for Student Aid.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Both student and parent FSA IDs must be created at fsaid.ed.gov at least one week before the event.
This is a great opportunity to:
Get expert guidance on the FAFSA process
Ensure your application is completed correctly
Ask questions about financial aid
Set your student up for college success
Location: SRTC Career Planning Center, Sanford High School
Date: Wednesday, January 15th
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM

🎄 Holiday cheer was in full swing today as our SkillsUSA students at Sanford Regional Technical Center welcomed Carl J. Lamb students for our annual holiday celebration!
Our young visitors had a blast exploring emergency vehicles, decorating cookies, making festive wreaths, and crafting holiday ornaments.

SRTC Landscape and Horticulture students have been working diligently on their Botanical Bonanza Holiday Plant Sale. Please stop by the SRTC Greenhouse to purchase some greenery for your holiday celebrations. FMI contact plantsplus@sanford.org

Our Landscape and Horticulture students have been working diligently on their Botanical Bonanza Holiday Plant Sale. Please stop by the SRTC Greenhouse to purchase some greenery for your holiday celebrations.

Our 2024 house project is wrapping up. Thanks to the Step Guys in Alfred (stepguys.com) for the donation of their Rock-a-Fella steps and railings to our house project. They definitely add curb appeal, even though there aren’t any curbs out on Hanson’s Ridge!

SRTC grades are up to date for the end of quarter 1. Please check Infinite Campus to see the most up to date grades for your student.

SRTC Seniors! The 2025-2026 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will be available soon on December 1, 2024. Complete the FAFSA to receive financial aid at any college and to access the Free Tuition offer for the Class of 2025 at all Maine Community Colleges! The FAFSA is sometimes required by private scholarships as well.
Whether you're a future chef, electrician, nurse or any other career, FAFSA helps cover the costs. #DotheFAFSA and get one step closer to your career!
Begin the FAFSA on Dec. 1st at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.

The future is BRIGHT at Sanford High School & Regional Technical Center! Today's Career & College Fair brought together 80+ organizations under one roof in the Partners Bank Gymnasium, offering our students an incredible glimpse into their future possibilities!
🎯 From the University of Maine System and regional colleges to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and Bath Iron Works, students explored diverse paths including:
📚 Universities & Technical Schools
🔧 Manufacturing & Engineering
⚡ Construction & Skilled Trades
🏥 Healthcare
💼 Financial Services
🚒 Public Service
🛠️ Apprenticeship Programs
⚓ Branches of Armed Services
A huge thank you to all participating organizations for showing our students the amazing opportunities that await them! Special shoutout to our SRTC team for preparing students to make the most of this valuable experience!

Today is our College and Career Fair day! This is a major undertaking but benefits our student immensely. Mrs. Bartlett enlists a small army to help with setup and operation so we are ready to go. It's a going to be a great day at SRTC! #MaineCTE #SRTC #CTE

What's fuzzy, lumpy and sometimes bedazzled? Layers of the skin of course! SRTC Cosmetology seniors popped in to show off the latest project as they wrap up their segment on skin science. Understanding the skin's structure, functions, and how to keep it healthy is fundamental in their training to provide proper and effective treatments for clients skin issues.

Sanford High School and Regional Technical Center is set to host its annual Career and College Fair tomorrow in Partners Bank Gymnasium, bringing together 80 organizations offering students a comprehensive look at their post-graduation possibilities.
The event represents the full spectrum of opportunities available to students. Whether students are considering higher education, technical training, immediate career entry, or military service, the Career and College Fair offers direct access to recruiters, admissions officers, and industry professionals who can help shape their future paths.
Read more about what to expect here! https://www.sanford.org/article/1848291

Good evening. Here is the link to the latest Sanford School Department newsletter - the 'Sanford Spotlight' https://bit.ly/42svBxF. It includes news on Marching Band Finals, JMG Haunted Woods, Sights Around Our Schools, Alumni Stadium Sign, Staff & Alumni Spotlights and Community Announcements Process. Enjoy!