​Carl J. Lamb hosted a series of visits from The Cromwell Center for Disabilities this week.

Carl J. Lamb hosted a series of visits from The Cromwell Center for Disabilities this week.

The Cromwell Center has classroom programs for students, which help build sensitivity and understanding, reduce bullying, and create more inclusive schools and communities. 

Leaders who came to Carl J. Lamb this week taught students about empathy. CJL students participated in conversations about abilities, respect, and inclusion throughout the day. They also engaged in hands-on activities and group problem-solving.

There were 30, 45, 60, and 90-minute classroom sessions throughout the day. During these sessions, students learned to understand that disabilities are an aspect of human diversity and do not define a person. 

They also broke down stereotypes about differences and similarities, explored the power of unkind works, exclusion, and bias, and identified and roleplayed situations related to disability-related mistreatment and bullying.