Every year, communities across the United States join together during the last week of October to observe Red Ribbon Week. This event  serves as a symbol of unity and commitment to combating substance abuse and its effects on individuals, families, and communities.

Every year, communities across the United States join together during the last week of October to observe Red Ribbon Week. This event  serves as a symbol of unity and commitment to combating substance abuse and its effects on individuals, families, and communities. 

Sanford Middle School and High School participated in Red Ribbon Week, offering various activities, resources, and opportunities for students to engage in promoting a drug-free lifestyle. 

Outreach worker Cecilia Sirianni, Substance Use Counselor Susan Lombardo, and Sanford Middle School Counselor Angela Avery have done much of the legwork to promote Red Ribbon Week. They helped organize engaging activities and initiatives to promote awareness and encourage participation from both students and staff.

A Red Ribbon Banner was displayed in the lobby area near the cafeteria or school counseling door at the middle school.

Students also had the opportunity to take a personal pledge paper, signifying their commitment to living drug-free. They can also place a sticker on a poster board to showcase their support for a drug-free environment. 

Students and staff were encouraged to wear red ribbons throughout the week. These ribbons serve as a powerful symbol of their commitment to a drug-free life and their support for those striving to live free from substance abuse. 

Daily morning announcements included messages aimed at raising awareness of the importance of a drug-free community. These messages will serve as reminders of the destructive effects of substance abuse and the positive impact of a healthy lifestyle. 

To engage students in a lighthearted manner, a Red Ribbon Word Search puzzle was available. This activity combined education and enjoyment, reinforcing the importance of a drug-free life. 

Sanford Middle School students are participating in a door decorating contest on Monday, November 6th. The winners in each grade will be rewarded with a well-deserved ice cream party, thanks to the support of the local Community Health Improvement coalition and Shains of Maine.