The Sanford School Department is starting to spotlight employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email communications coordinator Sam Bonsey at This spotlight is on Sanford Pride Elementary Ed Tech Jodi Lyles.

The Sanford School Department is starting to spotlight employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email communications coordinator Sam Bonsey at This spotlight is on Sanford Pride Elementary Ed Tech Jodi Lyles.

How long have you been working in the Sanford School Department? 

I have worked for Sanford for 7 years.  I started as a substitute and then decided to take a position as a self contained ed tech four years ago.  

What is your favorite part about working at Sanford? 

I started in Sanford because it’s where I live and where my children went to school.  I have stayed because of the amazing staff that I get to work with everyday.  Even on challenging days, it helps to see friendly faces down the halls.  

What are your interests and hobbies? 

I enjoy spending time with my husband doing diy things around our house.  I also love spending time with my granddaughter, who will be 4 soon, and happens to share a birthday with me. I also enjoy going to the YMCA for group classes. 

What is your favorite TV show or movie? 

I watch Wheel of Fortune every night with my husband, we like to try and figure out the puzzle before the contestants.  I am also a big fan of reality tv shows like Survivor and Big Brother.  

If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?  

Reliable, kind and hard working

What three items would you bring on a deserted island? 

Something to listen to music with, a tarp, and a fire starter.