In our opinion, it’s never too early for students to learn about opportunities available through the Sanford Regional Technical Center.  SRTC sponsored three different activities in the month of June to introduce middle school students to our programs.  We'll tell you about these activities in our next three news stories. Many thanks to SRTC School Counselor, Deanna Farrell, for taking the lead to organize these events and tell us more through this series of articles. 

During 4th Quarter, the Sanford Middle School Counselor, Ms. Quarto, brainstormed with the SRTC Student Services Counselor, Mrs. Farrell, and Career Explorations Coordinator, Mrs. Schindler, due to the hypothesis that “the majority of 6th grade students do not know about that a nearby school (SRTC) exists”. With some quick planning and lots of staff just saying “YES”, SRTC went to SMS the first week of June. 240 SMS students rotated through experiences in 6  different SRTC programs. Imagine the looks on these students' faces when they saw the Fire Truck (out in the pouring rain, but they didn’t care as they got to spray the hose) planted seedlings (and learned about the growing process), received a Chef Hat (Escoffier), learned culinary techniques and sampled crepes, learned what manufacturing is and how it impacts every item in our world (including use of real math), got to learn about the process of building to specifications and see live robots (of course the ball launching across the room to try to catch was a fav) and then participating in a live movie (picture rolling video camera dolly and red box giveaways). Thank you to Joe Bolduc,  John Couture, Pam Durack, James Harmon, Brent Sirois and Harold Smith for leading SRTC sessions and SMS (specifically the 6th Grade Team) for pulling this off!