​We are highlighting all of the programs at Sanford Regional Technical Center. Read more about the Video Production Program below:

We are highlighting all of the programs at Sanford Regional Technical Center. Read more about the Video Production Program below:

What are the main objectives of the program?

The Video Production Program aims to prepare students for what is next. For many students, that means college for an associate or bachelor's degree in a media-related field. Other students want to get out and get to work filming commercials, events, movies, music videos, or television. Many more of my students want to hone their skills and work collaboratively on projects as a group.

How does the program incorporate hands-on learning and practical experience?

This program is learning by doing. From the first week, students experiment with software and hardware, building up their knowledge and experience by creating various projects, from 30-second advertisements to ten-minute short films to recording 2-hour plays in the SPAC. Every finished project builds on the occasion of the last, and after two years, every student will have worked on dozens of video projects. Some might be for the school department, some for clients in the community, and many more are creative works from the students' minds.

What resources and equipment are available to students in the program?

The program uses a variety of 4K mirrorless cameras and 4K professional camcorders, as well as external audio recorders, live broadcast camera switchers and PTZ cameras, wireless headsets and walkie talkies, drones and motorized camera gimbals, and lights and lighting accessories. Every student -- for the duration of their stay in the program -- has access to the full Adobe Creative Cloud suite, which includes Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition, and many more professional media production applications. We have the time, the talent, the hardware, the software, and the ideas to make incredible projects at SRTC. 

How does the program prepare students for a career in video production?

This program helps bridge the gap to becoming a creative professional because every video student experiences and learns the tremendous value of teamwork: delegation, responsibility, communication, follow-through, and compromise. We also watch all of our projects together, celebrating and discussing our successes and taking note of the opportunities for improvement. Students who are successful at SRTC Video Production leave here prepared for their next step, whether that's working at a TV News Network, Freelancing in the media field, continuing their studies in college, or even continuing work or school in a different field. 

Are there any specialized focus areas within the program, such as cinematography, editing, or sound design?

When people think of video production, they usually think about cameras and computers, which is true. However, at SRTC Video Production, it's more than rolling cameras and editing video. We also emphasize development and preproduction -- thinking about and planning our videos -- because solid planning saves time and makes better work. We also emphasize the importance of sound design, lighting, props, costumes, locations, framing, and composition. In media, every detail matters; the more we know of those details, the more professional our work will be.