SJHS at Bandfest

100 students in 5th grade band and 70 students in 6th grade band performed at the 32nd Annual Bandfest. The 5th graders start playing in October and this is their first concert together. The 6th graders started working on these pieces after Thanksgiving and really loved both of them. This is a very dedicated group of kids. Many of them practice in the band room before school every day. 

The 7th and 8th grade bands each played two pieces.  "Dream Catcher" was chosen for the 7th grade because it requires a fairly large band and also provides an opportunity to play non-traditional instruments (like carpentry nails).  The students had requested something from "Star Wars," so they played "Duel of the Fates."  Mrs. BakerRoux wanted to program "Into The Storm," the 8th grade's first piece, at the Winter Concert, but decided not to when the high school band programmed it into their fall show.  However, some students that both programs share told her they would love to play the full piece, so they did.  It's one of Mrs. BakerRoux's favorite pieces for this grade level.  Their second piece was suggested by a student.  They borrowed the music from the York County Festival Library and had a lot of fun playing it.

Watch all the bands perform here: