Wednesday, January 15th
*Mechanical Advantage Club meets this Thursday from 2:15-3:30 in room 1228 with Miss Nason.
*The Sanford Backpack Program is gearing up for the Winter Break Food Distribution! They are collecting boxes of Cereal staring now until Feb. 6th! Their goal is 1,000 boxes!
*Exciting News SMS! A spectacular event is coming your way, and you won’t want to miss it! JMG will be hosting a school dance for 6th, 7th and 8th graders next Thursday night, January 23rd. We’re rolling out a white, gold, and pink theme for a night full of music, fun, and food! Whether you’re there to bust a move or just enjoy the vibes, this dance promises to be THE event of the winter! Admission is $5, and the dance will run from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. See you there!!