*Track meet sign-ups will be located outside Ms. Allen’s room from tutorial until the end of the day. Then they will be brought down to the track for final additions.

*Attention all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Chorus students! Today will be a full Chorus days because there is no 8th Grade band. All 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Chorus students should report to the upstairs music room following these announcements.

*Today is a 5th grade chorus day. Band students in Wyman and Joy’s homerooms will go to band today! Everyone else will meet Ms. Spag on stage. Today she will be handing out important info about the concert, so please be on time! 

*Student Leadership conference forms are due Monday. See google classroom or come get a form at 2217.

*Good morning from your SMS Civil Rights Team! This week was the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. This year, Passover started Monday night and will conclude on Tuesday April 30th. It is a holiday of rejoicing when Jews all over the world recall their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. The word Passover comes from the idea that god passed over the houses of the Israelites who had marked their doorposts to signify that they were children of god. It is celebrated for eight days and families gather at the beginning of Passover for the Seder meal. Chag Pesach Sameach (A Kosher and joyous Passover) from your SMS Civil Rights Team!