1/24  Announcements

Wednesday, January 24th

WHITE DAY!  Early Release Day!

*Congratulations to all of the Be The Change winners for December and January- thank you for making SMS a better place to be!  Your HR teacher will give you your certificates, bring them to the cafe right after announcements.

*Today is a 6th grade lesson day. Lessons at block 3 for alto sax, block 4 for tenor sax, and block 5 at 12:25 for 6th grade beginners

*The winter art contest is underway.  Student leadership is currently accepting winter drawings and paintings.  There will be one grand prize of a $10 Amazon gift card for each grade level as well as a staff prize!  Let your hidden talents come out and play.  Turn artwork into Mrs. Brown in room 2217 no later than February 2nd.  

*This week is The Great Kindness Challenge week. Get ready to get those random acts of kindness checklists completed so your class can be a grade level winner. If your class wins, then the entire class will get a special prize for being so KIND. We also have a fun spirit week to show our kindness. Spirit week days for next week are:

Wednesday: Team Kindness - Dress in your favorite sports team attire and join team kindness

Thursday: Peace, love, and Kindness - Wear your favorite tie dye and/or hippie outfit and show some kindness

Friday: Hats off to Kindness - Hat day!!! Let's tip our hats to kindness