Check out our Good News from Second Grade-

   The second graders have completed their study of non fiction and are now back to reading and writing fiction.  In Writers’ Workshop, we are learning about the elements of fiction writing. We are studying characters, their traits and behaviors in fictional work during Readers’ Workshop. Many students are enjoying creating their own fictional characters during writing time and have opted to make a series of books based on the adventures of their made up characters. 

   In Math class, we are building our strategies for adding two digit numbers. Recent lessons have included decomposing numbers by place value, adjusting addends and using tools such as number lines, base ten blocks and number grids. 

  Our phonics unit is a study of writing longer more difficult words . We practice listening to syllables, their sounds and applying our phonics knowledge to spelling.   We listen for vowels, blends, r controlled vowels, vowel teams, digraphs and  tricky word parts.

   In Science, our unit is titled Material Magic.  A recent lesson explored the characteristics of materials. We made hats from various materials to shade our heads from the sun.

  The children are looking forward to some fun Valentine’s Day projects and a celebration of the 100th Day of school coming up before vacation!