Sheathing completed on one side of the MCS addition
One of the completed stairwells for Margaret Chase Smith School's addition.
Mrs. Daly's class in front of the Kindness Tree
Earth Day projects from Mrs. Arnold's class.
Dinosaur Museum
Maple Syrup
Lucy Calkins phonic Snap Word Scavenger Hunt in the Purple Room
Students from Mrs. Ackroyd's kindergarten class
Sanford Schools Art Show
Reading Under the Stars
Mrs. Morrison's 1st graders showing their reading books.
Families participating at our PTA's Family Paint Night
A student from SRVC teaching kindergarten students about maple syrup.
Students from Mrs. Daly's Third Grade and guest readers from the SRTC Landscaping and Early Childhood Education Programs
Mrs. Carman's first graders pretending read at the beach.
Mrs. Deschambault's class kindness rainbow.
Non-fiction Fun
Mrs. Werner's kindergarteners learning science.
Mrs. Longfish's second graders with their poet glasses.
Raising the Beam