The Sanford School Department is starting to spotlight employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email communications coordinator Sam Bonsey at This spotlight is on Margaret Chase Smith teacher Heather Hastings.

The Sanford School Department is starting to spotlight employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email communications coordinator Sam Bonsey at This spotlight is on Margaret Chase Smith teacher Heather Hastings.

How long have you been teaching at Margaret Chase Smith School?

I have been at MCS since 2016.

What is your favorite part about working at Margaret Chase Smith?

There are so many things I enjoy about MCS, but at the top of my list is the support system of the staff and administrators. I know that I can go to anyone for anything, anytime.

If you could share one piece of advice with students, what would it be?

Find something you are passionate about (whether it be a career, creative outlet, hobby, or other interest), and hold onto it throughout your life. It'll be the light for you when you need it!

What made you want to become an educator?

Well, I was thinking of becoming a veterinarian for a very long time... But the band room became my happy place, and I naturally found myself helping the younger ensembles and working alongside my music teachers. By the time I was in late high school, there was no other path in my mind.

What are your interests and hobbies?

As a musician (I play french horn), I play regular concerts and gigs. I perform regularly with the Casco Bay Wind Symphony out of Gorham. Just last month I played in the Maine State Ballet Orchestra for the The Nutcracker, which was a lot of fun (and a lot of work). But outside of music, I really enjoy knitting, baking, gardening, and walking out in the woods and along the trails here in Sanford. I also maintain a Little Free Library in my yard, which has been enjoyable.

What is your favorite TV show or movie?

I really love the TV show Dark.