A 3rd grader in Mrs. Goad's class during a writing lesson.

Students have been busy this week beginning our first writing unit-personal narratives! A lot of work goes into having students start brainstorming story seed ideas. We’ve focused on two ways to do that this week. First students completed a remote assignment where they took pictures of special objects in their homes. These objects are meant to help spark story ideas from their memories. In class, students created a heart map of all the people, places, and activities they love. We will use both of these assignments to help create a list of small moment story ideas. Over the next several weeks, students will turn these story ideas into pieces of writing, focusing on stretching out the details, thinking about their 5 senses, and looking at some mentor texts to help us borrow some great writing moves from other authors. I can’t wait to see what my writers can do!  ~ Mrs. Goad