​The Sanford School Department is spotlighting employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email Sam Bonsey at sbonsey@sanford.org. This spotlight is on Margaret Chase Smith Resource Room Teacher Bethany Combs.

The Sanford School Department is spotlighting employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email Sam Bonsey at sbonsey@sanford.org. This spotlight is on Margaret Chase Smith Resource Room Teacher Bethany Combs.

How long have you worked in the Sanford School Department?

This is my 3rd year in Sanford and my 12th year teaching special education overall.

What's your favorite part about working in Sanford? 

I love that this district is so supportive of staff and students. It's important to feel valued.

What's your favorite TV show or Movie? 

"The Office"! I've seen it so many times and it still makes me laugh.

If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Loyal, funny, tired.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

I love to travel and New Zealand is at the top of my list!

Iced coffee or hot coffee? 

Diet Pepsi!

Playlists or podcasts? 


Lake or ocean? 


Sunrise or sunset? 

Sunset... I'm not a morning person.

Facebook or Instagram?
