The Sanford School Department is spotlighting employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email Sam Bonsey at This spotlight is on Danielle Goad, who is a 3rd Grade Teacher at Margaret Chase Smith.

The Sanford School Department is spotlighting employees at all of our schools. If you know an employee who you feel should be highlighted, please email Sam Bonsey at This spotlight is on Danielle Goad, who is a 3rd Grade Teacher at Margaret Chase Smith.

How long have you worked in the Sanford School Department? 

This is my 11th year in the Sanford School Department. 

What’s your favorite part about working in Sanford? 

Sanford is such a student-centered community. It’s wonderful to see so many opportunities for ALL students to shine.

What’s your favorite TV show or Movie? 

I love a good rewatch! I am a big Gilmore Girls fan.

If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be? 

Empathetic, humorous, and boisterous 

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be? 

I would love to see Santorini, Greece one day. 

Iced coffee or hot coffee? 

Iced, year round! 

Playlists or podcasts? 


Lake or ocean?


Sunrise or sunset? 

Sunrise. I feel the most productive early in the morning. 

Facebook or Instagram? 
