Hi CJL Families, Here's my newsletter for the Week of March 8-12, 2021. https://5il.co/qbv8 Please be on the lookout for information regarding kindergarten or PreK registration for the 2021-2022 school year also. Have a great evening! Sherri Baron CJL Principal sbaron@sanford.org
about 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Giovanni Della Croce - Celebrates the 100th Day of School at CJL
Watch our school counselor's "Courageous Learner LAMB Time" video made by Mrs. Scremin at CJL. https://video.link/w/vi6Xb video
about 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
courageous learner
Attention CJL Staff and Students, Due to the current weather conditions, we are experiencing power, phone, and internet issues. If remote learners are unable to log into their classes, they should complete any assignments their teachers have previously assigned on SeeSaw or Google Classroom please. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Hi CJL Parents/Guardians, Here is the link for our newsletter for the week of March 1st - 5th, 2021. https://5il.co/q1qa We're having a spirit week to celebrate Read Across America Day and the 100th Day of School! Have a relaxing weekend! Sherri Baron ~CJL Principal
about 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Read Across America Day
Good morning, We hope that you have been able to and will continue to enjoy your winter break. School is back in session on Monday, Feb. 22nd. Here's the link to this week's CJL Family Newsletter: Week of Feb. 22nd - 26th, 2021. https://5il.co/ppt3
about 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Kindergartener, Hazen Rogers
Hi CJL Families, Please read the Feb. 8th -12th CJL Family Newsletter for information about CJL's Kindness Spirit Week. Isabella Lara, 3rd Grader in Mrs. Belanger's class, features her poster that inspires others to sprinkle kindness in many ways! Thank you to Isabella and Mrs. Belanger! Also pictured inside this edition: Rory McGuckin-Welsch, Ryan Ridley, Alex Collind, and Cash Letourneau for their display of how we follow the social distancing guidelines in the hallway and for being kind to one another and others. Thank you to Mrs. Gillis for sharing the photos. Kindness Club posters may be seen throughout our hallways. The school looks great and feels like such a nice place to be. Way to go students and staff! Families, thank you for sending us such great kids! https://bit.ly/39UdOau Have a nice weekend! Sherri Baron - CJL Principal
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Isabella Lara's Kindness Poster
It's National School Counselor's Week! Please click this link to learn more about what your resourceful, skilled, and caring school counselor, Mrs. Jennifer Scremin, does/can do for CJL's amazing students and families. https://bit.ly/3cFuGDQ
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
National School Counselor's Week
February is American Heart Month! Share how you're caring for your heart. #OurHearts
over 3 years ago, Steve Bussiere
Heart Month
February is American Heart Health Month. Share how you're caring for your heart. #OurHearts
over 3 years ago, Steve Bussiere
Heart Health
Good afternoon, Here is the Carl J. Lamb School Family Newsletter for Feb. 1st-5th, 2021. In this edition, learn about our Kindness Club and Spirit Week. https://bit.ly/39vocWc Thanks for reading! Sherri Baron - Principal sbaron@sanford.org 207-324-8481
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Hi CJL Families, Did you know a crocodile can go two years between meals? I learned that on PebbleGo.com, an engaging, educational, and FREE (CJL purchased a subscription and we're sharing our log in info) reading resource. On PebbleGo.com, your child can read, or have read to them, interesting articles about things they love. I've used it with my students for years. Mrs. Miliano, our school librarian, put together this document linked here to help families explore PebbleGo easily. Consider exploring PebbleGo tonight at bedtime! Happy reading! https://5il.co/ox5h
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
CJL Principal's Newsletter https://bit.ly/39QGyQg
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Good morning CJL Families, This is a reminder of two events happening today: 1) Sanford Backpack Program’s Free Community Food Distribution: 1/21/21 TODAY from 3:30-5:30 @ Willard school and Lafayette school. 2) Dr. Guay’s ADHD and anxiety presentation via Zoom. Email: dcormier@sanford.org for the Zoom Link Time: Jan 21, 2021 TONIGHT 06:00 PM. You are valued members of our school community. We hope that you will participate in one or both of these free events which are open to all of Sanford School Department families. Thank you and take care.
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
This is a message from the Sanford School Department. We would like to remind parents that this winter we may have “traditional” or “remote” learning snow days. In the event a remote learning snow day is called, your child’s teacher will post the schedule for the morning meeting and provide further directions in either Seesaw or Google Classroom for your child to access lessons for the day. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
over 3 years ago, Steve Bussiere
Good evening, Mrs. Garabedian’s virtual read aloud is cancelled for this evening. We hope that you will snuggle in and enjoy a story together in your own homes tonight and make Ms. G. proud! Happy reading!
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Good news! We have been told by Studio By The Pond that school pictures for CJL’s in person learners will be here tomorrow. They’ll be given to teachers to send home with students on their next in person day.
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Ivy Peters reading to Group A in Ms. Smith's class for a high five reward!
over 3 years ago, Trish Leet
Ivy Peters reading to Group A in Ms. Smith's class for high five reward!
Our school counselor, Mrs. Scremin, has created this short video for our teachers to share with their students, to introduce December’s social emotional learning theme at CJL: Respect. As I watched, I thought that our parents would be very proud to learn about this so I thought I would share the link. Happy watching! https://video.link/w/RW53b Respectfully, Mrs. Baron
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
Getting ready for Conferences. Our PTG treats us soooo good. Thank you!!!!!!!
over 3 years ago, Trish Leet
Our PTG is awesome!! Thank you!!!!!!!
Thank you PTG!!!!!
PTG treats for staff. Conferences tonight!
Greetings CJL Families, Tonight at 6:00pm you're invited to join our CJL PTA Meeting and tonight at 7:00pm you and your children are invited to attend a bedtime story with Ms. Garabedian. Both events will be held via Zoom and the meeting IDs and passcodes for each event are written below. We hope you can join us! CJL PTA Meeting: Lydia Lehoux is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: November CJL PTA Meeting Time: Nov 12, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6595313923... Meeting ID: 659 531 3923 Passcode: CJL PTA Bedtime Story with CJL's Ms. Garabedian (Ms. G.): TONIGHT AT 7 Story time! I will be reading "Bedtime For Frances" by Russell Hoban Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4936008317?pwd=RmMyT2hJTThwQ3JWL2JEdk1hNXJYUT09 Meeting ID: 493 600 8317 Passcode: love2learn
over 3 years ago, Sherri Baron
PTA Meeting