Spirit Week

Hi CJL Families, 

Here's an update from the principal's office at CJL.  We hope that you had a safe and happy Halloween and that you enjoyed the beautiful full moon. Daylight Savings Time also happened: "Fall Back" one hour on November 1st so our morning commutes will be brighter once again!

Did you know? 

  • Progress Reports are to go home on Monday, November 2nd to Group A and Tuesday, November 3rd to Group B students.  
  • We are celebrating an Attitude of Gratitude for the entire month of November! We have so much to be thankful for! Some of us have a bounty while others have needs. As a school we are happy to participate in the Strategies for a Stronger Sanford Backpack Program's 30 Days of Giving: Holiday Baskets of Joy Food DriveIf you are able to donate, your child's teacher will communicate what item(s) their class is collecting. With classes collecting different items, we will fill boxes with a variety of items for Sanford families in need. Please send in all items with your child prior to Thanksgiving break. Together we can spread some joy!
  • We're focused on having a positive school climate and culture as one of our building and district goals.  Therefore, we have decided that this week, the CJL PTA will host a Spirit Week.  

  • PTA - The next PTA Zoom Meeting is on Nov. 12th at 6:00pm and the link to join this virtual meeting will be shared on our CJL PTA Facebook page at a later time.  We hope that you are able to join us.
  • Lockdown practices will be held this coming week on Tuesday afternoon for Group B and Thursday afternoon for Group A in person learners.  
  • Teachers are working with your children to finish up NWEAs.  The window will now close on Nov. 6th.  We're proud of the effort children have shown thus far.


  • Anytime your child is out sick or when your child's transportation home from school changes, we need you to call the school office in the morning 324-8481 please.  We thank you in advance for notifying us and keeping your child home when they're not feeling well.  
  • If you pick your child/children up, it is recommended that you hold up the new sign that you have been provided.  This will increase the safety and efficiency of our dismissal procedures.  We appreciate your cooperation.


We're very proud of how well our students are doing with following the social distancing, face coverings, and hand washing/sanitizing protocols.  


  • Students and staff now enter through the side door to the main lobby at CJL because Carl J. Lamb is Piloting  a Thermal Scanner. In an effort to keep everyone healthy and safe the Sanford School Department acquired Ergotron thermal scanners that allow our schools to quickly and safely measure the temperature of students and staff.  CJL School is piloting the scanners and has found ours to be quite effective.  As students and staff enter CJL each person stops and looks at the scanner.  The scanner immediately indicates a temperature for whoever is standing in front of it.  If the scanner indicates that someone has a high temperature, the person is asked to step aside, then our school nurse takes a second reading with a handheld thermometer.  Our nurse and assistant calibrate the thermal scanner to make sure its readings are accurate.  At CJL, we feel fortunate to have this resource at our school.

Stay Connected, Remain "in the know":

  • We wish you could walk through our halls to see all of the many wonderful things that are happening at CJL and look forward to the day when this can safely happen again.  For now, please check out our news, live feed, and events sections of our website www.sanford.org or our free app called "Sanford" (image of app looks like our Sanford Spartans' logo).  This is the place where CJL news, updates, photos and inspiring stories are shared.  

Last, but certainly not least, an update from your friendly School Counselor, Mrs. Scremin: 

  • We are getting out our LAMB time (Learning At My Best) lessons to bring Social Emotional Learning to all students. Calming spots are being created in each class and Community Building Circles are happening daily. Mrs. Scremin has visited every classroom, teaching students how to handle BIG (safety concern) problems. If your student is experiencing strong emotions at home, try to find a calming spot where someone can safely take a break, calm their body and focus on their breathing. It is very difficult to problem solve when we are in an elevated fight or flight state or red zone. When everyone is calmer, ask, What happened? What were they thinking at the time? What are they thinking now? Did some harm come from their actions/ inaction? How do they think they can fix that now? We have been using these restorative practices with success at CJL.
  • If you feel you may need help with your student's behavioral or social emotional concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Scremin at 608-8769 or jscremin@sanford.org. She sees some students short-term for individual and social emotional groups, usually based on recommendations by the Multi Tiered System of Support Team. Mrs. Scremin can also put in a referral for Sweetser School-Based Social Work Services that can occur right at CJL during your child's school day.
  • Kids Free to Grow has parenting classes held via ZOOM - join them right from your home! The Circle of Parents provides a friendly, supportive environment for anyone in a parenting role to openly discuss the successes and challenges of raising children Mondays 11/2-12/21 3-4pm or Wednesdays 11/4-12/30 10-11am email katherinea@kidsfreetogrow for a link to join.
  • The Nurturing Parent Program provides caregiver group learning of skills such as empathy, self-worth, empowerment, expectations and discipline with dignity Tuesdays11/17-1/5 3-4pm email katherinea@kidsfreetogrow for a link to join.
  • Active Parenting: First Five Years teachers caregivers of children age 0-5 parenting skills through the Active Parenting Curriculum Tuesdays 11/3-11/24 10:30-11:30am email shannonb@kidsfreetogrow for a link to join.
  • Lastly, Mrs. Scremin has some connections to outside agencies and every family can be connected to the Strategies for a Stronger Sanford Backpack Program wherein a bag of food staples is sent home with your student once a week. She also has had some winter gear donations, so if your student needs a hat or coat, please call or email her. 608-8769 or jscremin@sanford.org

Have a great week everyone!

Sherri L. Baron

Carl J. Lamb Elementary School
233 Shaw's Ridge Road |Springvale, ME 04083

( 207.324.8481 | Fax 207.490.5144
email: sbaron@sanford.org | web: www.sanford.org

The Carl J. Lamb School Vision is to create a learning environment where learning targets are clear to parents, teachers, and most importantly, students.  Parents, teachers and students will work together to ensure students' progress towards their learning targets.  Learning will occur in a variety of settings and proficiency can be shown in multiple ways.  As students demonstrate proficiency, new learning will be introduced to further their learning.  Sanford's Core Values (Respect, Responsibility, Courage, Compassion, and Honesty) will guide the social, emotional and physical development of students and enable them to become productive citizens and life-long learners.