On Monday, the students and staff at CJL participated in the school-wide Health Fair! Organized by our health teacher, Ms. Wilkins, the day was filled with presenters and activities for students to participate in.
Our class had a very full day, able to participate in 6 sessions!
We worked with:
*Officer Jourdain, from the Sanford Police Department, who talked about different kinds of safety-- bike safety, computer/online safety, survival kits, etc.
*Mr. Bussiere, Assistant Superintendent, did a fun Health related "Kahoot" game about taking care of yourself. He also led the class is some stretches and physical activities.
*Carl Guay, from the Maine Trappers Association, talked about Maine Animals and Landowners. Students were able to see pelts of many different animals that can be found in Maine, and talked about the things they eat.
*Betsy Baker, from the Sanford YMCA, led the class in some YOGA stretches and moves.
*Amy Sevigny, a parent and nurse from Boston Children's Hospital, spoke to the students about the field of nursing, had students use stethoscopes, and discussed Alopecia.
*The American Red Cross came to talk about Disaster Preparedness. They discussed things that you would need ready in case of disaster, and students designed pillowcases to use as a disaster kit for home.
It was a fantastic day; the students and I had a great time and learned so much! Thank you to Ms. Wilkins for setting it all up! Please enjoy some of the photos from our day.
Mrs. Allaire's Third Graders Enjoy the CJL Health Fair!
March 13, 2019