Looking for help with holiday gifts and meals? Several local organizations in the Sanford area are stepping up to ensure every family can celebrate this holiday season. Here's what's available:

🎁 Salvation Army Holiday Assistance

  • Perfect for: Families with children under 12

  • Where: 871 Main Street, Sanford

  • How to apply: Call 324-3134 to make an appointment (November 6-8, 9am-12pm)

  • What to bring: Photo ID for adults, Mainecare card or birth certificate for kids, proof of address, and proof of income

🎄 Toys for Tots

  • Registration: Online only, November 1st - December 8th

  • Website: springvale-me.toysfortots.org

  • Remember to bring: Your ID, proof of residency, and proof that you're the custodial parent

📰 Press Herald Toy Fund

🦃 Thanksgiving Help

  • York County Shelter: Thanksgiving food box pickup available Monday-Wednesday, 9am-3pm (week of Thanksgiving)

  • Salvation Army: Apply November 6-8 for Thanksgiving assistance

Need Food Right Now? Weekly Community Meals Available:

  • Mondays: Salvation Army Harvest Table, 9am-noon

  • Wednesdays: Night Bite at Curtis Lake Church, 6-7pm

  • Fridays: New Beginnings Christian Church, 5pm

Food Pantries Open Weekly:

  • Mondays: Salvation Army (10am-noon) and Sanford Food Pantry (10am-noon)

  • Thursdays: St. Therese Food Bank (noon-2pm)

Don't wait to apply - many programs have early deadlines to ensure they can help everyone in need. If you need more information, remember to call ahead to confirm current hours and requirements.