SkillsUSA students at Sanford Regional Technical Center hosted its annual holiday party for Carl J. Lamb students on Thursday, December 21st.

SkillsUSA students at Sanford Regional Technical Center hosted its annual holiday party for Carl J. Lamb students on Thursday, December 21st. 

They participated in various activities, including cookie and ornament decorating, cornhole, wreath making, and much more.

Carl J. Lamb students also explored SRTC’s fire truck, ambulance, and police cars.

Carl J. Lamb students came home with holiday gifts for their families that gave them a sense of pride and accomplishment.

“I thought it was endearing to witness firsthand the genuine and heartfelt interactions between SRTC’s staff, students, and CJL’s students,” Carl J. Lamb Principal Sherri Baron said. “I cannot thank Matt Petermann, Michael Redman, and their staff enough for the sweet memories made today.”