SCAE Mathematics Instructor Jim Cumiskey

Veteran instructor Jiim Cumiskey is enjoying a few moments in the limelight this month.  Jim was recenty profiled in (and pictured on the cover of) Best Version Media’s Neighbors of the Kennebunks magazine produced in cooperation with the Kennebunk Chamber of Commerce.  The article, “Engineering Success at The Landing School” authored by Rob Levey and photographically illustrated by Clayton Simoncic, highlights Jim’s extensive background in Marine Engineeringand subsequently in Education. The Landing School, located in Arundel, Maine, is well respected for it top-rated education in boat building and marine systems, including composite boat building and yacht design.

Jim’s Cumiskey’s extensive experience as marine engineer makes him a great fit for The Landing’s School instruction team.  His work on naval nuclear ships, study of Naval Architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), his experience designing nuclear power plants, and his gift of mentoring young engineers have clearly defined this bright, personable and super smart guy!  

Sanford Community Adult Education is so pleased that Jim has brought his incredible education, significant work history experiences, and his genuine love for education and encouragement to our academic program.  Jim instructs students pursuing their credited high school diploma, HiSet equivalency diploma, or preparing for college admission.  He comes in early. He stays late. His classes have the best attendance rates.  And his students enjoy and appreciate his concern for their futures.