C.N.A. Training

Are you thinking about a healthcare career?  C.N.A. training can start you on your way.  We are offering a class this fall, the mandatory orientation is 9/3 & 9/4 4pm.  The cost of the course is $800.

Here are some options you can look into before the orientation:

1-If you are age 18-24 and you are income eligible(*) you can contact Goodwill Workforce Solutions 289-7014

2-If you are age 24 or over and are income eligible(*) you can contact Goodwill Workforce Solutions 653-0291

3-If you currently receive TANF benefits(*) contact FedCAP 844-562-9811

4-If you qualify for the Competitive Skills Scholarship program, you can contact The Career Center 324-5460 before calling you can check the website for eligibility information:  https://www.mainecareercenter.gov/cssp.shtml

5-If you are interested in working for Greenwood Center in Sanford, they may be willing to sponsor your class-if this is of interest to you contact Tracy Kiernan, Director of Nursing Services at 324-2273 x315 to set up an interview.

To register for the orientation go to https://sanford.coursestorm.co...

(*) other eligibility factors may apply